Where stories are made

A year ago, Icon by Design customer, Cassandra Michelin lost her home in a devastating fire. She invited us into her stunning new home on NSW’s far south coast and told us about her journey to create her dream space for her family. Cass is a mum of four beautiful children and, along with the daily grind of being a mum, she runs the blog www.liveitdoit.com.au where she shares nasty-free recipes and real mum product reviews.
After the fire destroyed everything Cass made it her mission to create a home and haven for her family to spend time together and build memories. She thinks it’s mind blowing to see how everything came together so quickly and that it’s incredible to see the kids waking up smiling in their new home every day.
They chose to decorate their new abode with items that held a special place in their hearts and selected a few statement pieces from Icon By Design to bring it all together to make their home complete. Cass values quality, not quantity, in all aspects of life. Especially since the fire, they wanted to aim for a minimalist living style; purchasing good quality items was a must so that they could have them for life. This reflects Icon By Design’s values principles of finding your forever furniture that is timeless, minimalist and of high quality that only gets better with age.
The word “home” has taken on a new meaning for Cass and her family after the fire; now, it’s more than its four walls; home is about togetherness. After the fire, Cass’ family had to live in a few different places while their house was being constructed. The children showed resilience, supported each other and grew so much closer together – sharing beds, sharing laughs, sharing worries – which made them tighter as a family unit.
And guess when they moved back into their new digs? Right in the middle of the COVID-19 lockdown! Cass was on a mission and nothing was stopping her to get her house back together again as quickly as possible so that her kids would have their own home back. Her priorities are always her kids so that drove her to get things moving quickly. It was a blessing in disguise as the excitement of the new home energised them and made them forget the pandemic. After such a busy period with the rebuild and everything that comes along with being a mum to four kids, it was a chance to stop, slow down and soak in their new home together with her children, enjoying their beautiful and loving personalities, creating special moments together and appreciating what they have.
One of the first pieces they chose for their new home was the Axel dining table and Astrid chairs in solid oak. After the fire, they lived without a dining table for months on end so this was a priority so that they could sit around the table for meals again – an important and meaningful part of their day as a family. As soon as they laid eyes on the Axel, it was a no-brainer. With its strong, sturdy frame and timeless style, this statement piece in their home was just what this busy family needed.
Another key piece for their home was the Anya bed along with the matching bedside tables for their master bedroom. It’s the perfect place to snuggle down after a busy day for story time with the kids before they’re off to the land of nod. Cass knows that she’ll cherish these special moments for many years to come.
When it comes to parenting, Cass likes rules, routine and respect, but wants her bubs to have a fun, carefree childhood. Her eldest is her guardian angel and is so giving and patient with the younger ones, helping out where she can. As a family, they love spending time at the beach and exploring the outdoors – and who wouldn’t when you live in such a magical corner of the world!
The value and meaning of home is so important to Cass and her family. Their home is their own space where they get to live and create. It’s a safe haven for her kids to know that even when they grow up and leave to create their own lives, they can always come back to, and be welcomed by Mum’s hugs, comfort and support.
Cass shared with us that her new home is everything she could have dreamed – wide open spaces, white walls and ash wood floors. They are a big family so they need their own space to retreat as well as feel cosy and let a lot of sunshine in. It does all of that and more; they love it. The kitchen is bigger than they’ve had before and they appreciate every inch of it. It allows them to be able to work in the same space and not be on top of each other, which makes their life easier!
Cass believes you can’t go wrong with pieces of furniture that are timeless and made from natural, good quality solid timber materials that you can build memories around. Evenings are spent reading stories in bed or sitting around the dining table, eating dinner, sharing what they did that day and what they are grateful for.
Needing to be home during this time has been amazing for their little tribe. The simple pleasures of getting up, making coffee and babycinos and sitting by the window where the light streams in are moments to be enjoyed as they make memories as a family.